As the Coronavirus pandemic changes our everyday lives, the Department of Health & Human Services has found the need to modify acceptable ways health care services are performed – they have made announcement that allows providers to accept video chat apps such a Facetime, Facebook’s Messenger, Zoom, Google Hangouts and Skype for medical consults.
The Dept. of Health & Human Services released, “During the COVID-19 national emergency, which also constitutes a nationwide public health emergency, covered health care providers subject to the HIPAA Rules may seek to communicate with patients, and provide telehealth services, through remote communications technologies.”
Prior, HHS had not allowed for these types of apps in telehealth due to privacy concerns, but the pandemic has changed that for the time being. They added that providers should notify their patients that there are privacy risks when using these types of applications.
DentalStores is helping offices make it easier to offer teledentistry right through their online patient stores. It can collect payments, schedule consults and also eliminates the need to use yet another service or sign up for an additional merchant account. To learn more about how this works call 1(800)746-7657.
To learn more about telemedicine and the impacts of the Coronavirus visit: